Anti-CD25-SAP human [IT-24, KIT-24]

a tool for eliminating cells that express Interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor in human; targeted via a monoclonal antibody to human CD25 (Tac, IL-2 receptor), eliminated via saporin

SKU: IT-24 Category: Quantity: Individual 25 ug, Individual 100 ug, Individual 250 ug, Individual 1 mg, Kit w/controls 25 ug, Kit w/controls 100 ug, Kit w/controls 250 ug | Antibody Type: Monoclonal | Host: mouse | Reactivity: human | Conjugate: saporin | Usage: eliminates cells, retrograde transport |

The CD25 monoclonal antibody inhibits the proliferation of interleukin-2 (IL-2)-dependent human continuous T-cell lines. It blocks the human T-cell receptor for IL-2 by binding to the alpha-chain of the IL-2 receptor. Anti-CD25-SAP recognizes and specifically eliminates cells expressing human CD25. Anti-CD25 immunotoxins have been shown to remove activated T lymphocytes in culture, and can be used to understand the role of this population in its various processes in the immune system. It has also been suggested for clinical use in the treatment of T-cell leukemias and lymphomas.

Anti-CD25-SAP is a chemical conjugate of a monoclonal antibody to human CD25 (Tac, IL-2 receptor, Cat. #AB-18) and the ribosome-inactivating protein, saporin. It specifically eliminates cells that express the human Interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor.

To eliminate CD25-expressing cells in mouse, use Anti-CD25-SAP mouse (Cat. #IT-29).

Anti-CD25-SAP is available individually (Cat. #IT-24) or as a kit (Cat. #KIT-24) which includes Anti-CD25-SAP and Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18).

keywords: Saporin, CD25, Anti-CD25, Tac, IL-2, interleukin-2, T-cell, receptor, T-lymphocytes, leukemia, lymphoma


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Saponins from Saponaria officinalis L. augment the efficacy of a Rituximab-immunotoxin.

Gilabert-Oriol R, Thakur M, Haussmann K, Niesler N, Bhargava C, Görick C, Fuchs H, Weng A (2016) Saponins from Saponaria officinalis L. augment the efficacy of a Rituximab-immunotoxin. Planta Med 82:1525-1531. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-110495

Summary: It is known that triterpenoidal saponins that come from Saponaria officinalis, the plant that saporin comes from, increases the cytotoxicity of saporin by modulating its intracellular trafficking. Investigators wanted to know if this could increase the therapeutic affect of Rituximab-Saporin. In the presence of saponins, Rituximab-Saporin had a 700-fold increase in efficacy. Concentrations of 0.0001-1nM of Anti-CD22-SAP (Cat. #IT-37) and 0.001-10nM of Anti-CD25-SAP (Cat. #IT-24) were also tested in vitro with saponins for comparison. They saw a 170-fold and 25-fold increase in cytotoxicity, respectively. All conjugates were tested on Ramos cells, and differing levels of receptor expression could explain the drastic differences in cytotoxicity enhancement.

Related Products: Anti-CD22-SAP human (Cat. #IT-37), Anti-CD25-SAP human (Cat. #IT-24)

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Mouse IgG-SAP (Cat. #IT-18)

CD25 Products:

CD25 Mouse Monoclonal (Cat. #AB-18) | biotin-labeled (Cat. #AB-18-BT) | Alexa488-labeled (Cat. #AB-18-FLA)

CD25 Rat Monoclonal (Cat. #AB-19) | biotin-labeled (Cat. #AB-19-BT) | Alexa488-labeled (Cat. #AB-19-FLA)

Targeted Toxins: Anti-CD25-SAP human (Cat. #IT-24) | Anti-CD25-SAP mouse (Cat. #IT-29)

Targeting Tools: Anti-Tac and Anti-Tac-SAP

Targeting Tools: Anti-Tac (CD25)-SAP

Cytotoxicity Assay for Targeted Toxins in vitro

Concentration Calculation Explained: Convert molarity to mg/ml and mg/ml to molarity

Preparing and Interpreting Cytotoxicity Data in vitro

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